Tickikids Blog Hong Kong

SMART Goal Setting For Teens

Published 04 August 2020 at 19:40

SMART Goal Setting For Teens

In a competitive world we want to be all-rounders. We want to be able to do everything to the best of our abilities. If that is what we want, then where do we go wrong? Everyone has the same number of hours in a day. Then how is it that some people end up getting more out of their days and years than the others? While it's wrong to compare ourselves with others, if we admire someone’s qualities, it's good to learn from them to improve. As they say, we learn from each other and grow together.


Parenting Mistakes We Make

Published 02 July 2020 at 19:35

Parenting Mistakes We Make

Remember when they were tiny tots and were struggling to wear their clothes or tie their shoelaces? When we parents are not in a rush, it is a delight to watch them master a thing that is so simple for us that we don’t even give a conscious thought. The same adorable act becomes a bit of an irritant when we are in a rush to get things done by a certain time so that it can fit into our schedule. From getting ready for school in the morning to writing a statement of purpose for college applications, when we run out of patience and time, we get frustrated and end up doing it for them. We tell ourselves we are helping them, but we are doing much more than that. When we do things for them unintentionally, we are sending silent signals to them.


How to Balance Remote Working with a Hectic Family Life

Published 20 May 2020 at 19:42

How to Balance Remote Working with a Hectic Family Life

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, working from home was new for me. My fledgling business could not afford the monumental rentals on Hong Kong properties. While working from home had its benefits like saving time, money, and travel efforts, it came with challenges. The biggest challenge was staying focused on my professional work. Everything about home, housework, and children always seemed more urgent and important and took precedence over the professional work. Then there were days when the housework was get neglected and professional work took the lead. Irrespectively, at the end of a 17-hour day, there would be a nagging question on my mind – am I doing enough?


The Most Exciting School Holiday Camps to Enjoy in Summer 2020

Published 12 May 2020 at 19:39

The Most Exciting School Holiday Camps to Enjoy in Summer 2020

There is nothing better than activity breaks with friends, discovering new places, meeting new people and making memories that last a lifetime. We also know that choosing a decent children's holiday camp in a big city can often be a daunting challenge. With a wide range of school holiday programmes, camps and workshops available, at TickiKids we have made immense efforts to bring you a selection of the most exciting summer holiday camps that entertain, educate and ensure children get the best possible experience.


Fun Family Activities to Pass the Time While Social Distancing

Published 24 April 2020 at 17:19

Fun Family Activities to Pass the Time While Social Distancing

These are worrying times for all of us and all areas of Hong Kong society are facing huge difficulties as they adapt to the consequences of the coronavirus crisis. Schools, play centres and theatres are being forced to close, festivals, fairs and other cultural events have been cancelled, regular school holiday camps have been put on hold. But there are plenty of fun ways to pass the time as a family without leaving the house. In light of this global pandemic, we've selected an outstanding range of fun things to do with kids, where you can find everything to remain entertained, happy and united  during these difficult and uncertain times.


5 Ways to Help Kids Socialise in a Time of Social Distancing

Published 01 April 2020 at 05:29

5 Ways to Help Kids Socialise in a Time of Social Distancing

“I don’t know how we are going to do this. I have taken the next 3 days off. But after that, with both me and my wife working from home and kids having nothing to do, nowhere to go. I don’t know how we are going to manage. The problem is, we don’t even know how long social distancing needs to continue. The kids can’t go to their friends’ house, they can’t go to the park, what do they do?” said my exasperated brother who lives in Canada. My call with him prompted me to write this article.


Best Movies to Keep Kids Engaged While Staying at Home

Published 20 March 2020 at 16:11

Best Movies to Keep Kids Engaged While Staying at Home

Сinema has given us thousands of indelible that entertain and stimulate children. We all grew up with classics that have stuck with us: for some it was Pixar; others were weaned on the classics of Disney animation or Studio Ghibli's fantastical otherworlds.

TickiKids selected the best movies to keep kids engaged while staying at home. Watch it and enjoy it!


TickiKids reveals Hong Kong's Best Easter Holiday Camps in 2020

Published 02 March 2020 at 05:18

TickiKids reveals Hong Kong's Best Easter Holiday Camps in 2020

Good news, Easter school holidays are around the corner. We know how hard it can be to keep up with highly-rated children's holiday programmes while you're battling through the working days. That's why we have done the hard work for you and handpicked a selection of Hong Kong's best Easter holiday camps in 2020. From art & design portfolio development, STEM programming courses to theatre, photography and filmmaking camps you’ll enjoy a clear, trustworthy and well-rounded overview of our readers' top picks of this spring.


Coping with Children's Anxiety about the Coronavirus Outbreak

Published 08 February 2020 at 06:22

Coping with Children's Anxiety about the Coronavirus Outbreak

As you can see, our current situation has all the factors that make a person stressful. Most of the parents I have talked to are stressed out themselves. One parent I was talking to even mentioned that sometimes she gets flashes of images from the movie Doomsday. If the current situation is doing this to us adults, just imagine what might be going on in a teen’s mind.


Self-Doubt in Children

Published 15 January 2020 at 20:58

Self-Doubt in Children

  • “Everyone is always getting better grades than me in class. I never do anything better than others.”
  • “She is so much better than me in everything. I don’t think she considers me to be her friend. She is just being nice to me.”
  • “I think people talk behind my back. I think they don’t like me. I don’t have any friends in school.”

The above statements are all from real life, expressed by my teen clients during coaching sessions. There is a common thread that binds them all. Each statement is negative, disempowering, based on the opinion of themselves. One can sense the underlying theme of “I am not good enough and I don’t think I can do anything about it.” This feeling of “not good enough” is the root cause of unhappiness and frustration. It leads us to believe we are unimportant and worthless. This, in turn, holds us back from truly attaining our highest potential. One needs to be especially cautious of this feeling of self-doubt lingering in teenagers.


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