Tickikids Blog Hong Kong

The Benefits of Cooking with Kids

Published 29 April 2021 at 02:50

The Benefits of Cooking with Kids

It is hard to imagine a more worthwhile family pastime than cooking with your little one! OK, it can be messy, sometimes it is challenging, yet, it is the best time investment ever. There are so many benefits that it is difficult to highlight all of them and decide what are the most important, but we will give it a try!


Main Reasons Why You Should Enroll Your Child in Martial Arts

Published 01 April 2021 at 16:01

Main Reasons Why You Should Enroll Your Child in Martial Arts

In this article, we discuss the benefits of martial arts on the physical and mental development of children. How to find out what type of martial arts suits your child and how to choose the most appropriate club? We've gathered all the answers for you!


Choosing a Career in Unpredictable Times

Published 09 March 2021 at 05:05

Choosing a Career in Unpredictable Times

There was a time, not so long ago, when there would be only a handful of premium careers to choose from if one was serious about doing “well” in life. Engineering, Medicine, Law, or Chartered Accountancy. With a little bit of variation, that list would be it for most families. Students would undergo months of tutoring so that they could get into their choice of course and college. The idea behind selecting these careers was to give them lifetime job security and hence, a secure future. But today the higher education scenario has changed.


Top 15 sports for children and what Hong Kong has to offer

Published 04 January 2021 at 00:06

Top 15 sports for children and what Hong Kong has to offer

It is impossible to underestimate the role of sports in the physical and emotional development of a child. Many researches highlight the positive impact of sports on the kids’ mood. The physical activity involved in any kind of sports is the perfect tool to prevent depression for kids aged 6-10 years! So, if you see that your kid feels low and prefers to stay indoors, it is time to spur him into sports!


The “Perfect” Parent Trap

Published 24 November 2020 at 19:40

The “Perfect” Parent Trap

There was a time when I had a vision. The Vision of a perfect parent. For me, a perfect parent was like Bond. You know, James Bond. Cool and sophisticated, always ready for any eventuality. I was ready to be this Bond parent. During pregnancy, I read any material I could lay my hands on, on parenting. I was confident I knew every trick and technique of the parenting world. And then I became a parent...


Enriching Xmas Break in Hong Kong: Go-To Holiday Camps

Published 13 November 2020 at 20:09

Enriching Xmas Break in Hong Kong: Go-To Holiday Camps

School holidays are about to start! It is to plan kids’ activities to make sure that the holidays are as enriching, entertaining, and fun as possible! And the holiday camp is a great place to spend some quality time. Children will have pleasant, interesting, and engrossing pastime and parents receive a possibility to get prepared for the celebration – what’s not to love?

We have rounded up some catching holiday camps your kid will adore! They offer different activities, various locations but always a lot of fun, communication, entertainment, and learning!


Top Online Courses for the Young in Hong Kong. Part 2

Published 26 October 2020 at 16:53

Top Online Courses for the Young in Hong Kong. Part 2

In today’s particularly fast-paced world, online programmes have taken a significant hit and every day Hong Kong seems to bring a major new children's virtual workshops, summer holiday courses and camps. So if you want the up-to-the-minute updates and information crucial for your child for this summer season, now is the time to read the article, as TickiKids has brought our readers the second part of the top online programmes.


Dates Unveiled for an Open Day at Island West Campus of Malvern College Pre-School HK

Published 17 October 2020 at 17:47

Dates Unveiled for an Open Day at Island West Campus of Malvern College Pre-School HK

During lockdown, on-site open days were replaced with virtual open events. Yet the opportunity to visit a school yourself and see an environment first-hand is invaluable. So too does Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong understand that choosing your pre-school is an important step and that families are still keen to visit campuses to see the school in action. Less than two months after attracting hundreds of families to its September Virtual Open Day, Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong is preparing to throw open its doors once again, but this time in person. Here, TickiKids takes a look at what one of the UK's most prestigious schools offers to prospective parents and students in Hong Kong.


The Effortless Learning Mindset

Published 07 October 2020 at 20:00

The Effortless Learning Mindset

We all have had situations when we had setbacks. During those times we do feel like we do not have it in us, and the first reaction is to just quit. We want things to come easy and effortlessly for us. We feel we are inherently special. We love the idea of being that gifted person who can do things without any effort. It guarantees a lifetime of success and admiration, doesn't it? And compare that with having to work hard every day even for little gains in skills. The choice is pretty easy to make, isn’t it? In fact – not.


Reserve a Place at the Upcoming Virtual Open Day and Bilingual Taster Sessions at Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong

Published 16 September 2020 at 16:23

Reserve a Place at the Upcoming Virtual Open Day and Bilingual Taster Sessions at Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong

If well-directed education and the future of your child is at stake, it pays to choose a pre-school with great care. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the family of Malvern schools invariably appears at the top of educational guides in the UK, Hong Kong, Qingdao, Chengdu and Egypt since its foundation in Malvern, UK in 1865. Malvern College opened its first overseas school, Malvern College Qingdao, in September 2012 closely followed by Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong in 2017 and Malvern College Hong Kong in 2018. This is a school wholeheartedly committed to providing a holistic education encompassing global understanding, critical thinking, leadership and teamwork. While the results are fantastic, Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong offers a multitude of opportunities to see the school in action during the forthcoming free-of-charge Bilingual Virtual Taster Sessions and Online Open Day.


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