Please note that this is an overdue event

2nd Nature Education Community Forum

2nd Nature Education Community Forum

Welcome educators, parents, children, youth, nature lovers, farmers, entrepreneurs, dreamers, government bodies, conservationist and curious cats


A simple community event, whereby people from all walks of life who have a calling in bringing nature styled education into children's life in Singapore, will come together to discuss and share how we can do this from ground up as a community.
The main objective is to get together as a community, to realize that we are not alone in this journey.
It is not the background, status or work that bring people together. But simply the heart and calling to make a difference to touch young lives and learn from nature.
Welcome educators, parents, children, youth, nature lovers, farmers, entrepreneurs, dreamers, government bodies, conservationist and curious cats who wish to join in listening, sharing and simply being there in presence.
It will not be the standard forum itinerary or panelist in this event. It will be simple plain old villagers gathering and sharing.
No charges involved. You will need to click on the ticketing link to register to attend the event.

Only limit to 40 individual slot for this event.
(Young children can hang around at the playground and park area, however, there will be no babysitting provided for this event)


Credit: Image of Forest School - Singapore







Forest School - Singapore