The story revolves around Joginder Singh, an ‘ordinary’ London cab driver with two wives, two lives and a very precisely planned schedule for juggling them both until, one fine day, it all goes horribly wrong…
- Duration - 90 minutes
Terms and Conditions
Once sold, tickets are strictly non-refundable or exchangeable. All information given is correct at the time of publishing, but is subject to change without prior notice. The Promoter reserves all rights to amend any terms and conditions without prior notice, and, in the event of any dispute, the Promoter’s decision is final. Entry to the event may be refused if the authenticity or validity of a ticket is questionable, including damaged or defaced tickets, or has not been purchased from the Organizer/BookMyShow or authorized points of sale by the Organizer.
- One valid ticket allows entry for one patron.
- Admission is subject to tickets produced at the entrance.
- No outside food and drinks are allowed in the theatre.
- Please refrain from posting your e-ticket(s) online or sharing it with others to prevent forgery.
Photography / Video Recording Rules
Camera with/without flash, videography, audio recording are not allowed.
Image Credit: Drama Centre
14 February, 19:30
15 February, 15:30 & 19:30
16 February, 15:30.
from: 51 SGD
Telephone number
+65 6837 8400
Singapore100 Victoria Street, National Library Building, Level 3, Singapore 188064
How to get there?
By Bus: St Joseph’s Church, bus stop no. 01013
130, 133, 145, 197, 851, 960
Hotel Grand Pacific, bus stop no. 01012
2, 7, 12, 32, 33, 51, 61, 63, 80, 175, 640
Bras Basah Complex, bus stop no. 01019
2, 12, 33, 130, 133, 960
Bugis (EW 12 / DT14) & City Hall (EW 13 / NS25)
Public Parking available in National Library Building Basement. Electronic parking system, Carpark entrance and exit close at 11.30pm daily.