Please note that this is an overdue event

Introduction to Data Analytics: Social Media Insights

Introduction to Data Analytics: Social Media Insights

Coding is the new literacy, and data is the new fuel.


In this program, students from 13 to 16 years old are equipped with tools that will help them learn this new language, introducing them to basic data science concepts that will prove useful in an increasingly digital world.

Run by our lead educator and self-confessed tech geek, Mona Tan, students will learn the essentials of Python (one of the most frequently used programming languages in the world!) including how to install, set up, and run it.

They will then apply their knowledge in a world that they are familiar with: the social media vortex. By the end of the workshop, students will be able to use Python to extract and analyse data from a live Twitter feed!

Day 1: Introduction to Python

  • Learn to install, setup and run Python.
  • Basic Syntax and Variables.
  • Numerical data and Mathematics operators.
  • Learn booleans and conditionals.
  • Syntax of if, if-then-else, if and elif.
  • Logical operators and truth tables.
  • While loop and For loop.

Day 2: Introduction to Data Analytics

  • Understanding data on the internet and social media.
  • Inspecting Webpages.
  • Web scraping with BeautifulSoup.
  • Create a program to extract text from a webpage.

Day 3: Twitter API and tweepy package for Python

  • Creating and using Twitter token.
  • Writing requests to query Twitter.
  • Processing returned results from Twitter.

Day 4: Introduction to Sentiment Analytics

  • Contextual Understanding and Tone.
  • Running sentiment analytics using Python to tell if tweets are positive or negative.

Day 5: Mini project

  • Pick a twitter profile to analyse and work on your analysis.


**All materials and equipment are provided


Register here


Image Credit: Coding Lab Singapore 




Fee: 445 SGD

Telephone number

+65 6977 9641

+65 8118 0113



80 Marine Parade Road #10-06, Singapore 449269