Please note that this is an overdue event

British Tutors BOOK CLUB

British Tutors BOOK CLUB

Welcome to the British Tutors online book club!

Join like-minded bookworms this summer for our study of some of our favourite books.   There are two courses this summer for each age group:




  • 24th June - 21st July 2024
  • Age 7-9           Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo
  • Age 9-11         The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
  • Age 11-14       A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini



  • 22nd July - 18th August 2024
  • Age 7-9           The BFG by Roald Dahl
  • Age 9-11         The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
  • Age 11-14       The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger


Once registered, you'll need to purchase / download the book.  There will be weekly zoom sessions led by our book club tutor, who will facilitate a group discussion and guide activities with our readers.  Parents will be sent weekly emails with a list of chapters for your child to read, materials for the sessions and prompts on ways in which to engage with the text.

Our aim is that each of our book club members keep their brains active and engaged over the long summer holidays and love discovering new books and new ways of thinking.



  • Every Tuesday from 4.45pm - 5.15pm for ages 7-9. 
  • Every Tuesday from 5.30pm - 6.00pm for ages 9-11 and 11-14.



  • HK$1700 for 1 course / HK$3400 for 2 courses
  • SG$295 for 1 course / SG$590 for 2 courses


In order to confirm your booking, please complete the form below. You will then be directed to payment information. Your course booking will not be confirmed until the payment has been received.

If you have more than one child joining a course, please submit a separate form for each child.


Booking Terms & Conditions:

  • All course payments are non-refundable.
  • Please note, while we make every effort to secure the best services for our clients, British Tutors accepts no liability for any loss or damage before, during or after online sessions.
  • Booking a course with British Tutors means you have agreed to the terms and conditions set out in this form.

Register here


Image Credit: British Tutors




1 course: 295 SGD
2 courses: 590 SGD


