Tickikids Blog Singapore

Tickikids Blog Singapore >  After-School Activities

Drama Begins at ACT 3 Drama Academy

Published 13 August 2024 at 10:47

Drama Begins at ACT 3 Drama Academy

ACT 3 Drama Academy provides practical opportunities for children to learn through and about Drama, in an environment that is loving and flexible, never critical or pressurising.


Smart and Happy: Blending Learning with Leisure for Children

Published 01 August 2024 at 10:49

Smart and Happy: Blending Learning with Leisure for Children

In today's rapidly evolving world, balancing academic rigour with personal well-being has never been more essential. As we aim to nurture the next generation, merging learning with leisure becomes fundamental to holistic development. TickiKids delves into innovative educational approaches that emphasise not only intellectual growth but also emotional and social well-being.


10 Engaging Indoor Activities to Keep Kids Entertained

Published 18 May 2024 at 10:48

10 Engaging Indoor Activities to Keep Kids Entertained

Indoor activities for children can range from arranging a home theatre with homemade puppets to simple everyday care for beloved pets or plants. Get creative with DIY crafts or embark on culinary adventures by cooking up a storm together in the kitchen—TickiKids knows how to entertain the entire family while staying at home!


Discovering the Perfect Arts and Crafts Classes for Your Child

Published 18 April 2024 at 10:33

Discovering the Perfect Arts and Crafts Classes for Your Child

Arts and crafts classes play a crucial role in children's development, fostering creativity, self-expression, and cognitive skills while providing a source of joy and fulfilment. As parents, it's essential to support and encourage your child's interests and passions, exposing them to a great variety of art and craft workshop formats, and allowing them the freedom to choose. By empowering children to follow their hearts, parents set the stage for a lifetime of learning and growth!


Let Date Fyx Custom Plan Your Perfect Date Night!

Published 19 December 2016 at 16:13

Let Date Fyx Custom Plan Your Perfect Date Night!

This one is for you, parents!


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