Academy of Classical Chinese Culture

We're the modern education arm of a 127-year-old heritage businesses (est. 1896). We conduct kids and adult workshops on the often-inaccessible Chinese legends, literature and philosophies.

Chinese legends contain profound ancient wisdom that can anchor us even today, especially for children growing up amid rapidly-changing times.

Unfortunately, most Singaporean Chinese children struggle to access and benefit from their cultural asset due to lower Chinese language proficiency, shorter attention spans, and an abundance of competing entertainment options.

The legends are also not easy for laymen to distil and present in an engaging and accurate manner.

This is a pity, for the loss of our children’s familiarity with Chinese legends reflects a deepening erosion of their identity, values, and community.

Legends are, after all, the shared stories of our community, passed down lovingly over generations. 

At the Academy of Classical Chinese Culture, we seek to change this through workshops that help modern kids fall in love with ancient legends.

Our workshops are non-religious and bilingual (a blend of Mandarin and English), so language does not become a prerequisite (and hence, barrier) to Singaporean Chinese children discovering their own culture, the way it often is today.

We will bring the ancient legends to life for them in refreshing and unexpected ways, via immersive story-telling, experiential learning, role-play, original games, unique props, music and movement.

Instead of uni-directional teaching, children will internalise the lessons of the legends via personal reflection exercises, interpreting what traditional values mean in their modern lives. 

All our educators are Singaporeans, which is important to situate this ancient cultural heritage in the unique context of multi-racial and multi-religious Singapore. Our educators are trained at the Inter-cultural Theatre Institute, NAFA, Berries World of Learning, Drama Box, Haque Centre of Acting & Creativity, Singapore Repertory Theatre, and MOE.


Images Credit: Academy of Classical Chinese Culture


+65 8763 8183



Art Outreach gallery Gillman Barracks 5 Lock Rd #01-06, Singapore 108933