Please note that this is an overdue event


                                                      "If there's only one show you get to this year, make it Slava's SNOWSHOW"

                                                                                                                              - Daily Telegraph Review 

Catapulting more than 5 million people back to childhood in over 30 countries


Snowshow is a universal and timeless theatrical poetic spectacle which has unanimously enchanted and empowered the imagination of audiences in tens of countries, hundreds of cities with multiple thousands of performances resulting in millions of spectators from all nationalities, gender, beliefs, types and ages like no other show. It is a genre of its own and remains as spontaneous and magical as the first day, systematically catapulting all adults back in childhood. Snowshow has restored the art of clowning by seducing back all those who claim no interest in the ageing clowns of traditional circuses.

A caravan of organized chaos, revelry and enchantment that ceaselessly trundles round the world, it offers everybody – everybody, young and old – an opportunity to leave their regulated lives at the theatre doors and enter a condition of delighted idiocy. We could say that Snowshow is just an excuse to celebrate life in a foolish way.

This highly acclaimed international visual tragi-comedy clown masterpiece has won the highest theatrical awards from London to New-York, Australia to Mexico, Paris to Moscow… including the Laurence Olivier Award in England and the Triumph Award in Russia. 

A theatrical masterpiece for families, lovers and joy seekers easily understood by all around the world, resulting into thousands of happy human faces every night glowing on earth. 


  • Duration: Approximately 2 hours including an interval
  • This event is suitable for age above 8.
  • Each ticket admits one person only. A valid ticket must be presented for admission.

Book now


Credit: Image of Slava's SNOWSHOW




From/從: 480 HKD (Some seats may have a restricted view/部分座位視線受阻)
To/到: 880 HKD
Wheelchair/輪椅人士: 680 HKD (Each wheelchair patron can be accompanied by one minder /每個輪椅位置可附設1個看顧人座位)

Telephone number

+ (852) 2266 8133



Hong Kong
1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong