When genius inventor, Georgie, is kidnapped by a time travelling vagabond, it’s up to Herbert to save her and the world.
Starlit Voice and Drama School Hong Kong present Timeless, an original theatrical experience.
This audacious odyssey will take audiences to the future, the past and everywhere in between as we follow Herbert on her epic adventure. After being handed a special clock by her eccentric aunt, Wells, Herbert takes the first step into a wide and fantastical world where she meets some of history’s most famous and infamous men and women and the future’s kookiest evolutionary dropouts. With the help of her school friends, Herbert must reach Georgie in time or else risk facing a very bleak future.
This grand quest through time and space features an ensemble cast of Hong Kong’s most accomplished theatre veterans and hottest emerging talent, promising a hilarious and heartwarming journey to save the world from a villainous villain capable of great… villainy.
Catch Timeless in a parallel universe near you. Or better yet, right here and (more importantly) now!
Credit: Image of Starlit Voice
Children under the age of 18 and pensioners: 160 HKD (+10 HKD)
General Admission: 320 HKD (+ 10 HKD)
Hong KongHKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity Multi-media Theatre