D2 Place

D2 Place - the Cultural & Creative Landmark in West Kowloon


Houses stylish fashion boutiques, creative markets, international F&B and lifestyle stores all under one roof. Featuring over 20,000 sqft. of event space and fascinating rooftop garden, D2 Place serves as a social hub to promote local culture and breed creativity.

Opening hours: Mon–Sun 08:00–23:00.


Image Credit: D2 Place


+(852) 3620 3098



Hong Kong
D2 Place ONE, 9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok

How to get there?

Exit D2, Lai Chi Kok Station

2A, 2B, 2F, 6, 6C, 6D, 30, 30X, 31B, 32, 33A, 35A, 36A, 36B, 37, 41, 42, 42A, 43C, 44, 45, 46, 52X, 58X, 59A, 59X, 60X,66X, 67X, 68X, 69X, 72, 86, 86A, 86C, 102, 102P, 171, 171A, 234X, 238X, 240X, 265B, 270B, 272P, 286X, 904, 905, E21, E21A, N21, N21A, N122, N171, N241

44A, 44M, 97A, 411