The third movie is here! An action film packed with shocks, thrills, and Yo-kai!A great adventure drawn in two worlds, featuring both animation and live action!
On a cloudless day in Sakura New Town, a mysterious girl named Kanami is standing on the hospital roof looking out over town...
Then all of a sudden, a giant whale appears in the sky.
As its booming voice rings out around the town, Keita and his Yo-kai friends experience an incredible change...
“Is this...me!?” Keita asks. He’s got flesh that hurts when its pulled, lines on his hands...and even little hairs coming out of his skin!
What on earth is going on? They’ve entered a live-action world, and Jibanyan and the other Yo-kai are in a terrible panic!
What’s the connection between Kanami and the flying whale?
And what’s the secret that’s hiding in new Yo-kai Koalanyan’s nose!?
Credit: image of Cinema City
Person: 48 HKD
Telephone number
+(852) 2360 0910
Hong KongLangham Place Shopping Mall 8 Argyle St