Please note that this is an overdue event

Math Competition Prep Camp

Math Competition Prep Camp

This Spring Camp is a unique avenue for students to receive a crash course on various Mathematics competitions that occur throughout the school year.


Regardless of the fact whether you are already in the middle of your exam preparations or whether you are absolutely new to the competitive exam scene, this course will provide you with a completely individualised curriculum, that would take into account your level and proficiency.

Your curriculum for the Spring Camp will be based on the competition you plan to take, and you can choose from packages of 10 Hours, 15 Hours or 20 Hours for their respective preparations.

This Spring Camp includes preparations for competitions such as John Hopkins SCAT (School and College Ability Test), UKMT (United Kingdom mathematics Trust) & IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad).

Programs Duration: 1-4 Weeks

Classes: 5 Classes/Week (1.5 Hr/Class)

Fro who: Grade 3-7

Book before 14th Mar, 19 & get 10% off

Click here to learn more and to book.


Image Credit: Skillbloc




Per week: 500 AED

Telephone number

+971 4 551 9428
+971 4 343 0701


