Taught by Amy Vogelaar, licensed ToddlerCalm consultant and co-founder of Love Parenting UAE
Monday, February 11, 2019
Babies and Beyond, Concord Tower
Dubai Media City
Reserve your spot at info@babiesandbeyond.ae
Every parent is horrified when their little darling bites another child or acts out aggressively to anyone. This Free ToddlerCalm taster focuses on what to do when your toddler bites (or hits, kicks, pinches, punches, pulls hair, or otherwise acts out aggressively). Learn why you don't need to worry so much about whether or not you are raising a sociopath, why toddlers behave this way so often, how you can respond in the most effective way, and how you can possibly prevent these kinds of aggressive episodes. ToddlerCalm is a positive, science-based, gentle parenting approach for parents of 1-4-year-olds.
Image credit: Love Parenting UAE
For parents
Telephone number
Amy +971 50 329 8208
DubaiBabies and Beyond UAE, Concord Tower, Dubai Media City