Ichiban Nursery

Our curriculum is a fusion of Japanese – Finnish – Modern Montessori and Early Childhood Education and Care.


We are establishing an eco-friendly environment where we take a comprehensive view on a child’s growth and development. A Child’s unconstrained play is of the utmost importance and we draw on a wide pedagogic knowledge and professional experience.

The environment has been carefully designed to amalgamate the 6 concepts of learning; practical life, cultural, sensorial, mathematics, language and movement and control. Research has shown the benefits of nature on the mood and health of the child; this is one of the reasons why we have strived to utilise the natural light available and have incorporated recycled materials throughout the nursery environment. We believe that by de-cluttering the nursery and giving the children increased responsibilities will promote and encourage attention, engagement and allow for a sense of ownership.

The children will be responsible for helping to care and nurture our outdoor environment. “Home grown” allows the children time, space and expertise to discover and learn how to plant, grow, care and harvest our own crops. Following this into whisk and whip, where they will deepen their understanding by washing, preparing, cooking and eating what they have grown. We should never underestimate children; their learning is much more successful when we believe in their capability.


Image Credit: Ichiban Nursery


+971 2 444 8182



Abu Dhabi
Ichiban Nursery, Villa 309, 17th street, Khalifa city A