Please note that this is an overdue event

Exhibition 'Talents of Determination'

Exhibition 'Talents of Determination'

Cultivating the creative talents of Abu Dhabi’s people of determination, Abu Dhabi Festival is partnering with the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination to bring art education into their homes in a unique new initiative.


Talents of Determination hosts workshops on painting, drumming, puppetry and making ocarina flutes using recycled household plastic refuse, led by musician Shady Rabab, from 20-22 September.

Throughout this time, the public is invited to visit a virtual exhibition of 50 works by talented people of determination from across Abu Dhabi, viewable at the link below.

Talents of Determination is part of the Festival’s ongoing efforts to nurture people of determination with opportunities to develop skills and actively participate in the arts in a spirit of inclusion.


Image Credit: Abu Dhabi Festival







Abu Dhabi